Covering the Care We Provide

At Building AAC, we are providing high quality services in an innovative way. In order to maximize the amount of individuals we can see we do not submit payment to insurance. We accept cash, check, or credit card payments. Please complete the contact form on the main page to inquire about the costs of services.

It takes a lot of time and overhead to become a network provider and submit insurance claims. Oftentimes the reimbursement rate doesn't cover the time and effort it takes to submit all of this paperwork. In addition, if therapy claims are denied that leaves you without an option for receiving services.
Private insurance has changed and evolved over the years and many individual's co-pays and deductibles have skyrocketed. Paying out of pocket for services can often cost you the same amount or less as submitting paperwork to your insurance company.
For these reasons, Building AAC has opted to provide our clients with a "Superbill" upon request. You can first check with your private insurance provider to determine your benefits. If speech/language services are a covered benefit you can submit the superbill which lists the services rendered along with all of the codes needed. You will pay Building AAC directly, and after submitting the superbill your insurance company will pay you at their reimbursement rate. This will be an out-of-network expense. You should also check directly with your insurance provider to determine their rates.

Building AAC will provide a written evaluation report and work with various SGD vendors to submit paperwork for communication devices. The vendor will take the evaluation report and submit the necessary forms to all insurance companies. Any out of pocket expenses will be reviewed with the individual before a device is obtained. In many cases, if an individual has primary insurance and Medicaid as secondary there will be NO out of pocket expenses for an Speech Generating Device (SGD). Building AAC will help individuals and families understand the SGD process.

If you would like to be contacted regarding services please fill out the form below with your information and we will get back to you as soon as possible.